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Wake up in a sentence

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Sentence count:201+5Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: take upmake upmakeupshake upmake up formake use ofuse uptie upMeaning: v. 1. cause to become awake or conscious 2. stop sleeping. 
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(91) The family stood by, knowing that she might wake up any minute.
(92) He ought to have been able to sleep late and wake up with Billie by his side.
(93) Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts,( put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live! Bob Marley 
(94) Give them pleasure. The same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare. Alfred Hitchcock 
(95) I began to dream and I made myself wake up.
(96) Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn. Mahatma Gandhi 
(97) She swore softly but no one seemed to wake up.
(98) Pettitt sees urban services in particular offering vast scope for expansion as city fathers wake up to the dangers from the car population explosion.
(99) I still miss it. Wake up nights hungry and see it.
(100) The sky never seemed to wake up and about the middle of the day it darkened.
(101) A perfect sculpture of the living flesh. Wake up, he thought.
(102) A psychiatrist does not want you to wake up. He tells you to dream some more, to find the pond and pour more tears into it. And really, he's just another bird drinking from your misery. Amy Tan 
(103) All taught her how it felt to wake up at dawn and decide what to do with the day.
(104) I struggle with them, thrashing around, and wake up to the alarm.
(105) She keeps circling between past and present, memory and oblivion, like some one trying to wake up from a nightmare.
(106) While the field has changed with rent control nearly quashed, wake up and smell the coffee of a new day.
(107) Unlike other soft contact lenses, they're designed so that you can sleep and wake up in them.
(108) But have her wake up to the smell of cooking bacon, then serve her breakfast in bed.
(109) Brown stains caused by small flames crept inwards. Wake up.
(110) Mariana herself could also be seen as asleep because she refuses to wake up to the probability that her lover will not return.
(111) I wake up during the night for no reason. 7.
(112) Wake up, you idiots! Whatever made you think that money was so valuable? Kurt Vonnegut 
(113) Get out of your comfort zone. Wake up the sleeping giant in you. Dr T.P.Chia 
(114) They sleep six to a bed and wake up to the fiery sting of bug bites.
(115) If organized labor is going to revive, the experts agree this is the year it must wake up and start stretching.
(116) I wake up in the middle of the night from a dream.
(117) If you even dream of beating me you'd better wake up and apologize. Muhammad Ali 
(118) To wake up every morning with nothing to look forward to?
(119) Before I even fully wake up, I listen for the bus and car noises on Taraval.
(120) The man I love has just destroyed us and I wake up, vacillating between suicide and murder.
More similar words: take upmake upmakeupshake upmake up formake use ofuse uptie upcome upline upfire upflare upgive upsize upsave uppile upcome up toclose updrive upwrite uplive up toface up todouble upmade up ofeuphemismmeasure upcome up withmeasure up tobakemake
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